• info@vickerstown.cumbria.sch.uk
  • 01229 471350
  • Mill Ln, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness LA14 3NR


We encourage all children to drink water and have healthy snacks.

Children in KS1 are provided with a piece of fruit at break time as part of the Cumbria Schools Fruit Scheme and children in KS2 can purchase items from the tuck shop on a daily basis.

Sweets and chocolate are not allowed at break times or in packed lunches. We also encourage the children to drink fresh water regularly during the day and ask that each child brings their own water bottle. 

Eleven mid-day supervisors who are a vital part of the school community supervise dinner times. Children are expected to show them the same courtesy and manners as they would any other member of the school staff.

There is provision for children to eat packed lunches at school. However we do not allow any chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks. Lunchbox ideas can be found here. Please contact school if you would like further advice. 

Our menu offers a choice of healthy, nutritious, value for money meals, which fully meet the nutritional guidelines set by the government. Special diets and vegetarian options are available. Menu choices are available on the School Grid website www.live-kitchen.co.uk

School Grid allows parents to pre-order their child’s lunch from home and to pay by direct debit. Please log on to the School Grid site and set up your direct debit. Only in exceptional circumstances can cash be taken at the school office and this must always be pre-agreed and paid in advance.

School Milk

Fresh milk is delivered to school every week via Cool Milk. If you would like your child to receive milk at breaktime you must register and order through www.coolmilk.com, milk is available from Brambles right through to Year 6. Milk is FREE for children under 5 Years old, once they turn 5 years old Cool Milk will contact you about paying for your child’s milk, it can be paid half-termly, termly or for the full school year in advance.

Children receiving free school meals are also entitled to free milk at break time but you must still register with Cool Milk.

Free School Meals

Please click here for information regarding free school meals, you can apply for free school meals even if your child is receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals in Reception, Year One & Two, once you have applied you need not do it again.

Children who are registered as being entitled to free school meals are also entitled to receive a discount on school trips and school clothing vouchers. Your child will also be eligible to receive free school milk, provided by Cool Milk.

Where possible all parents and guardians should apply online https://emsonline.cumbria.gov.uk/CitizenPortal_LIVE – you will receive an immediate response advising you whether you are eligible or not. If you are unable to apply online, please contact the free school meals team – telephone: 01228 606060 or contact the school office for further support.