Vickerstown School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils. We expect all staff and volunteers to share our ethos and commitment to safeguarding.
We strive to ensure that our safeguarding policy and procedures are in place to support our children, families and staff at school. All concerns are communicated to the members of staff who are specially trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL). Our safeguarding leads are:
- Designated Safeguarding Leads: Steve Jefferson/Andrew Wren
- Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Sarah Leahy
- Designated Safeguarding Governor: Helen Smith
Please do not hesitate to contact any member of school staff if you have any serious concerns about your child or any other pupil at Vickerstown.
Alternatively, if it is an emergency situation you can contact the police on 999.
At Vickerstown, we ensure the safety of our pupils by:
- providing all staff and governors with the document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ annually.
- ensuring all staff complete a Level 1 course in Safeguarding and repeat this every three years.
- securing our school throughout the school day by locking our school gates.
- using a signing in/out system at our office.
- ensuring all visitors wear a lanyard to show that they have signed in.
- ensuring all staff have up-to-date DBS checks in line with school policy.
- ensuring school has adopted the Safer Recruitment principles by training key staff and governors and that this is reflected during the interview procedure.
- ensuring references for new staff are sought and validated prior to appointment.
- ensuring all professional colleagues who work directly with pupils in our school have DBS checks.
- ensuring DSL/DDSL/SLT have an up-to-date Level 3 qualification in Safeguarding.
- training staff in ‘Prevent’ so they can spot the signs of radicalisation or extremism.
To access our safeguarding policy please visit our policy page.
Please see the links below for help and support information.