Mrs Sophie Cunningham – SENCo / 01229 471350
Our fully inclusive policy is rooted in a profoundly held belief that all pupils have the right to be educated with their peers.
Our policy ensures that teaching arrangements are inclusive and the majority of students will have their needs met through classroom arrangements and appropriate differentiation.
Our philosophy includes the principles that;
- Each member of the community shall be treated with dignity and respect.
- We will accept and value difference.
- We should remove barriers and increase access.
- Individuals should be appropriately supported to achieve their full potential.
- Every child is encouraged to work, learn and play as independently as is possible.
Vickerstown School offers strategic facilities for children with physical/medical needs, severe learning difficulties and those on the Autistic Spectrum.
Facilities at Vickerstown include a staff team that has a high degree of expertise. The majority of teaching and non-teaching staff hold nationally recognised qualifications in autism, specific learning difficulties or counselling.
All members of staff are encouraged to develop individual interests and areas of expertise. This may include, general learning difficulties, gifted and talented pupils dyslexia, dyscalculia, behaviour management, physiotherapy, speech and reading intervention. We also provide support for pupils and their families in relation to their emotional needs through our trained counsellor.
Our purpose built school has incorporated into it many features which reflect good practice for children with SEN.
We have a specialist sensory room designed to cater for children throughout school, the whole school is on a level surface so children can access everywhere regardless of physical ability and features such as acoustic panels and underlay ensure the school environment is calm and quiet.
The school has formed good relationships with paramedical services (physiotherapy and speech therapy), specialist advisory teachers, the educational psychologist, social services and voluntary agencies.
Click here to download our SEND policy and information report