• info@vickerstown.cumbria.sch.uk
  • 01229 471350
  • Mill Ln, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness LA14 3NR


Vickerstown Primary School is a mixed school with an age range from 3 – 11 years. We have seven classes from nursery (Brambles) to year 6, with a yearly intake every September.

Our nursery offers AM/PM sessions & up to 30hr places and has an intake 3 times a year in September, January & April. Brambles nursery can offer additional sessions, within school opening times, over your child’s entitlement for an additional fee. Please see the Brambles information page here for more information.  

If you are thinking of moving your child to Vickerstown Primary School, please contact the school office to chat about your requirements and make plans to visit the school. 

We welcome visits to the school during term-time. Visits can be arranged by contacting the school office on 01229 471350

The school’s admission number is 226. Where there is excess demand for places, we will follow the Cumbria County Council appeal guidelines. 

Parents/Carers should visit the Cumbria County Council website and return the relevant form below to the school office.

School Admission Arrangements Following Conversion to Academy Status:

New Admission Arrangements

Please follow this link for further information on school admissions through Cumbria County Council:
