• info@vickerstown.cumbria.sch.uk
  • 01229 471350
  • Mill Ln, Walney, Barrow-in-Furness LA14 3NR

Brambles Nursery

Nursery Lead: Miss G Ritchie

Brambles is our Nursery class and they are taught by Miss Ritchie. 

At Brambles Nursery, your child will always be seen as an individual.

We aim to create a feeling of warmth and security in a structured and stimulating environment. In a partnership with parents, we provide a valuable experience which lays the foundation for future development.  This enables our children to become successful learners and confident individuals.

We encourage children to be independent, imaginative, expressive and to respect others.

We want children to develop a positive attitude to learning, be engaged learners and to develop curiosity. We enjoy learning in our wonderful indoor and outdoor environments, flowing freely between them throughout our day.


In Brambles we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. This framework sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that:

Children learn and develop well.

Children are kept healthy and safe.

Children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school.

We treat every child as an individual and therefore, we respond to the development and learning of each pupil. We plan experiences that include both the prime and specific areas of learning for both indoors and outdoors The Nursery is organised into different spaces to promote the seven areas of learning, however learning does not happen through isolation and through their play activities, children may be exploring several different areas at once.

Learning is documented through both individual learning journeys and our online observation platform – Tapestry. Parents have individual access to Tapestry and can frequently view the activities their children are taking part in. The progress of our children is shared formally via a report at least twice a year and parents evening meetings.

Special Educational Needs

At Nursery, all staff support children to access all Areas of Learning by providing for their individual needs. We aim for early identification of any children which may have additional needs and we then offer support for both the children and their parents. Some children may need extra support from a 1:1 and we will consistently work with professionals to keep parents informed of their children’s progress. For more information please see the schools SEND Policy.

Brambles’ Session Times:

The Nursery children are admitted from the age of 3. You will be asked to select your preferred hours of attendance and we will do our best to accommodate this.

Morning sessions run from 8:45am to 11:45am and afternoon sessions run from 11:45am to 2:45pm.

If your session time includes the lunch period, you may choose to either send your child with a packed lunch or they can choose to have a school meal. The school lunches are cooked on site and are all healthy, balanced meals.

Eligibility Code:

All children are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery provision a week. Some children are entitled to 30 hours of free nursery provision, depending on family circumstances.

 To see if your child qualifies for the 30 hours, please follow http://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ to answer a few questions and to get your eligibility code.

If your child only qualifies for 15 hours free childcare, additional paid for sessions can be added at a cost of £13.20 per session.


If you require any more information or would like to look around our wonderful environment, please get in touch with the main school office. We love welcoming visitors in to Brambles and to get a real feel for how special we truly are you need to see us in action!